S.B.T Stop Bleeding Tourniquet
The SBT is a medical item providing a emergency first aid in a difficult conditions. The SBT is developed to fast emergency limbs haemorrhage and with the absence of velcro.
Each SBT product i provided with an final inspecion certificate list.
- Absence of velcro
- High resistance to water, mud and snow
- Metal claps
- Possible application under water
- Very fast and easy application
Weight without the packaging: 85gr
Size of the packaging: ca. 160mm / 60mm / 35-40mm
S.B.T. was developed for foreign market. One of the key requirements of the customer was to develop a functional tourniquet without the presence of the Velcro, which is located at the most of tourniquets available on the market under the name of CAT, but also retain some of its advantages over the tourniquet type SOFTT. Another key customer requirements in terms of materials used to create a reinforced shrink wrap belt that would prevent fraying peripheral areas due to frequent use in the training ..
If with Velcro clogging various impurities (grass, mud, dust, snow, etc ...) then lowers the adhesion of the individual coupling surfaces. As a consequence of such clogging, combined with the physical phenomenon turn, it may be a failure tourniquet. The same, fatal phenomenon may also occur when the surface fastener is exposed steeper water or long-term effects of humidity.
The worst variant can happen in combination of both phenomena. Application of such conditions, however, the nature of the funds must be expected and must be unconditionally gate in its development into account. For tourniquet S.B.T. was chosen locking system locks the belt shrink from aircraft aluminum. Thus eliminating any possibility of tourniquet failure due to moisture, dirt, adverse climatic and environmental phenomena.Another very important advantage tourniquet S.B.T. in other types of tourniquets, including tourniquets type SOFTT is undoubtedly speed of applications. When applying S.B.T. so there may not be any unnecessary intermediate step in case of transition from the so-called standby "hand" to the "foot". Trained person in emergency first aid, especially in Tactical casaulty combat care skills, especially in combat first aid, should constantly tourniquet prepared in the so-called the "hand" in case of gunshot wounds of the upper limb. In this case, a person was able to find no difficulty to apply a tourniquet to the upper limb by yourself. However, the problem occurred when the person concerned has suffered trauma injuries of legs. In such a case must first be Debonded Velcro by pulled out of the entire belt of the push-through buckle insertion tourniquet beneath limb donning the clamping strip into the two interlaced mesh push-through buckle, tightening the clamping strip which is continuously captured by the other side of Velcro, and only in the wake of the wounded could stop the bleeding with the help of rotary motion by windlass. He was losing so very precious seconds that could decide the merciless struggle between life and death wounded. Despite the possible case of a combination of injuries to the upper and lower limbs with the help of two tourniquets. In this case, self-help application for tourniquets with Velcro system became almost superhuman performance.
In case S.B.T. This effect is completely eliminated and there is no need for any of the foregoing description. The tourniquet is always prepared in universal mode "foot, hand". In the case of the transition to the "foot" only concerned opens a metal lock inserts drawstring waist below the limb and then back on again and tighten drawstring waist. In the case of a combination of injuries upper and lower extremities, it is possible to disconnect and then connect the aluminum lock simply through the use of three fingers ...In the production of this resource, we decided to create 2 versions device. The first version is a practice (marked in blue free end), the second version is designed for real use (red label free end). Tourniquet to be tested are then on a plastic mat marked with a white circle in HQA.
For goverment orders like police, fire-departments, military etc. please send us an e-mail, also if you are interested on a trainingcourse for the SBT / tactical medic course.